Professional Print Excellence Programme

Canon and Invest in Africa (IIA) have partnered to deliver a bespoke print excellence training programme to support Ghana’s vibrant print industry.
This programme was specially designed to give 20 printing companies complete business development support including entrepreneurial, managerial, print production training and mentoring over 2 years.
Canon and IIA’s key objective is to support local printing companies to overcome the current challenges of professional printing in Ghana.Specific objectives include supporting local printers to:
- Improve production quality in areas such as colour & digital, to meet international best-in-class standards
- Embed management systems to identify and enhance competitive advantages
- Access finance to invest in new and reliable equipment
- Win new business from international and local companies
Rokus van Iperen, President and CEO, Canon Europe, Middle East and Africa stated:
“It was great working with Invest in Africa to provide SMEs in the printing sector in Ghana with the skills and knowledge they need to better serve their local customers. Canon is committed to empowering this region through the improvement of vocational skills and creation of job opportunities, and this is demonstrated through Canon’s partnership with Invest in Africa”.
The programme was established in response to a study conducted by Canon to understand the professional printing industry in Ghana. The study found that some corporate organisations are often using print providers in foreign countries for their print requirements.
The research identified that:
'96% of companies believe business in Ghana will grow in the next three to five years.’
‘64% of surveyed companies said they could be persuaded to have more material printed within Ghana if printing quality improved.’
Benefits for local printers
- Training from global printing experts on how to improve quality range of services and sales
- Opportunity to supply large international companies
- Individual support to access finance and use it effectively to grow printers’ businesses
- Coaching and mentorship from industry experts and internationally experienced consultants to grow printers’ businesses